Sunday, June 1, 2008


I am so homesick it has been two years since I have seen my family not including Danielle. My family is getting together this week. Dad(Ken), Eric and Jen are already in Vegas visiting Andy and Andrea, and going to one of my favorite restaurants...I do not know why New York state does not have a Maggianos. Then on Wednesday, Andy, Andrea, Eric and Jen (it is going to be confusing having another Jen in the family...poor Andrea, both of her sis-in laws are Jens) are going to Salt Lake to be with the family for Kurtis's graduation. It is hard being away from family for so long and not having that support and interaction that only ones family can provide. Two years people, and it does not look like I am going to see anyone anytime soon.


princessica said...

hi Jenny,
oh, you sound so sad in this one- I understand, as alex has been gone for so long. I feel ya, and maybe I could visit you one of these days?
love you,

none said...