Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Use 5062 For Press'N Seal Wrap

Good news Hannah found a new snail and I did not run it over with the car, my luck is changing:)

Hannah has named the snail WMJ (Wes's initials) and is living in a glass jar on the kitchen table. She loves this snail so much, you would think that WMJ named Hannah's first child or walked her down the aisle.

I could not find the lid for WMJ's home so I used Press'n Seal Wrap (don't worry I poked holes in the top).

The stuff is AMAZING...it is better than duck tape. If you have not tried Press'n Seal yet I highly recommend trying it, it is sooooooooooo much better than plastic wrap or as I like to call it, "plastic crap."

I am hoping that WMJ is going to have a nice long life, at least a week.


marcie said...

Use 5063-- to wrap the snail up for burial when he dies (but dying the natural snail way-- whatever that means-- not your mom running over it with the car!)... ohhh, that was bad! I'm sorry, don't let Hannah see this ;)

marcie said...

Good one-- Tousche!