Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Can Your Phone Make Pancakes?

Wes and I have been giving money away to AT&T, so we decided to switch to Verizon. Pretty much everyone we know has Verizon. I wan planning on getting a standard phone but I fell in love with the EnV2, a flip phone with it's own keyboard. Wes is a real sweetheart because he was generous enough to let me spend much more than we were planning on something that he would rather go the way of the dinosaurs and phone booths would become all the rage again.

Let me tell you this phone can do it all. I can get online, it's an Ipod, camera, video recorder, and I am sure I could program it to make pancakes!!! Not to mention it is very pretty.

A New Year Update

We had a pretty low key New year's. Friends came over and we played games and ate food. 2008 went out and 2009 came in and life went on as usual.

We were able to go up to Wes's brother's to see our new baby niece Amelia. She is a gem and just beautiful. I was so happy to be able to hold her and get to visit with her, she was only 15 days old.

Wes with his B-day baby:)

Audrey had her New York State Language Arts Test this week and we will not get the results until she is in 4th grade, but Audrey was excited and happy to take them. I am sure she did a brillant job.

We have been watching Smallville. We flew through season 6 and we are now working on season 7. Love that show!!! We rented the Dutchess ... people put the movie back and and walk away slowly. It put the D in Depressing. I felt like I needed an anti-depressant after watching it. American Idol has started, Yay!!! I can not wait for LOST next week!! I love the new show True Beauty on ABC after the Bachelor. It is great and in a lot of ways redeems the bad rap reality shows have gotten for being so shallow and fake.

Nothing much else going on here in our neck of the woods other than snow and more snow and FREEZING cold temps:P

Here's One For Ripley's Believe It Or Not ...

A couple of days before New Year's I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and I looked down and saw a piece of paper on the floor ... no big deal right? I walked over, picked it up and it was the warrenty for our IPOD that we had bought 3 yrs ago in Canada and was going to expire in 2009. I had searched EVERYWHERE for this warranty (the IPOD is broken) and then out of the blue it just showed up on my kitchen floor. That is what I call good customer service ... when the warranty tracks you down.