Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finally Done!!!

This is the bathroom when we moved in, it had been newly renovated, it use to be a bedroom.

Say Cheese:)

I refinished the cabinets, it took me FOREVER but I love how they turned out!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pink, Blue, Pink, Blue.....

Well my bathroom looked like a scene out of Sleeping Beauty today....

The paint is Pressed Flower (Very Pink)

Languid Blue/Pressed Flower...and the winner is;

Languid Blue!!!!!

We are still painting the bathroom (almost done) I just had to share:) The pink was so pink that the girls even said "Whoa that is pink!!" that is when you know you are running not walking to the paint store and buy a soothing color like Languid Blue. I can't wait to post pics of the finished bathroom.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Danielle Needs To See The Paint

I am painting the upstairs bathroom, the color is called Pressed Flower...do you think it is too pink? It did not look this pink on the swatch.

It looks like cotton candy :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Once Upon A Time ....

Once upon a time there was a little girl, who found a itty bitty snail at the edge of the forest. She knew that she wanted to take care of the snail for the rest of its life and they would become bosom friends forever. The little girl was so excited, she ran up to her Mommy, to show her her new friend and the slime the snail was leaking onto her little hand. The little girl even said "look how cute the slime is." The little girls Mommy thought it was so cute she told her to run to the front of the house to tell her Daddy who was cleaning the windows.

The twist in this story is chili powder, the Mommy had ran out of it while cooking dinner (Navajo tacos, very delicious) and really needed some. So the Mommy got in the car and drove out the LARGE drive way to go to the store. What the Mommy did not know is that the little girl had dropped her precious snail in the LARGE drive way. When the Mommy got home from the store she found a distraught Hannah saying; Once upon a time there was a little girl who found a snail and then her Mommy ran it over with the car.
What are the chances that I would ran over the snail with the car, with my luck or should I say lack of pretty good. Hannah found the smashed snail in the driveway and now I have to live with the knowledge I killed the itty bitty snail.

Escargot anyone...one my favorite foods:)
* For anyone who does not know what escargot is, snails cooked in butter.

~The End

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Am Woman Hear Me Squeak!!!

First I want to start off by saying how Thankful and Grateful I am for Danielle being safe and sound from a very scary situation.
I promised Danielle that I would write a blog about the animal in the pantry, so here it is;

Last spring (we were still living in the old house) I was home with the girls and had just put them to bed. I came downstairs and heard a rustling noise coming from the kitchen pantry. At first I thought perhaps one of the gerbils had gotten out and needed a cereal fix. I looked up the stairs and both gerbils were safe and sound in their cage. Amazing I know. So then I thought a mouse, we have had mice in the house before but when I really started thinking about it... there would have had to be a heard of mice in the pantry for that amount of noise. Picture the animal you don't want in your house and all of those were pretty much what I thought were in the pantry. Even the animals that are only indigenous to Africa and Australia, irrational I know.
So I did what any smart 30 year old would do and I called my 16 year old sister thousands a miles away. "Danielle, Danielle (in a high squeaky voice) there is something in my pantry?" she was pretty much like "Huh, what is in your pantry?" I told her I did not know, she strongly encouraged me to find out...I was the biggest scaredy cat ever...I slowly crept up to the door (this took me 5 minutes of encouragement) and flung it open and let out this scream "A SQUIRREL!!!" Danielle started hysterically laughing at me, you would of thought with all the noise and disturbance I was making the squirrel would of ran out the pantry but no he or she was very happy with the smorgasbord and was not about to leave. Danielle has now instructed me to open up the door to the garage from the kitchen and somehow shew the squirrel out of the house. Now for all of you reading this, have you ever shewed a squirrel? It is not as easy as you might think. Danielle is laughing so hard that she is crying and I am trying not to pass out from fear because I am thinking with my luck this squirrel has rabies or is going to attack me any minute. I get the broom and very slowly but screaming the whole way I knock the squirrel out of the pantry. Everyone copes differently and my mind went to hockey, the squirrel was the puck and the broom the hockey stick and I batted that poor thing out the door. I felt so bad but very relieved at the same time. I opened up the garage door and the squirrel ran outside probably thinking I was not very hospitable.

My sister was still laughing but for some reason made me feel safe and sound and yes I conquered that squirrel.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

There Is A Tooth Fairy Virgina!!!!

Disclaimer - Any children that can read and does not know about the above, should not read or see this blog.

Hannah and Audrey were playing outside today and the 6yr old girl (also a Hannah) came over and started playing in our yard. (I can not wait for the fence to go up, only a couple of weeks left.) Anyway, Hannah had brought her fairy doll outside to play and the neighbor girl told Hannah that there is not a Tooth Fairy. I guess it was not bad enough she just shattered a little five year olds dreams of the Tooth Fairy because she threw Hannah's fairy doll on the roof.

Needless to say the girls will not be playing with her anymore.

So I called the girls in for dinner and Hannah turns to me and says that the other Hannah told her that the Tooth Fairy is not real. Well this really made me mad but I kept a calm face and asked her how the other Hannah knew this, she said her Mom told her.
Well right or wrong I did what any good mother would do and lied. I told Hannah that they did not know what they were talking about and maybe they asked the Tooth Fairy not to come or because she mistreated fairy dolls that the Tooth Fairy did not go to their house. What is Santa's Moto - If you are naughty or nice...food for thought:)

Audrey has lost 6 teeth and Hannah has not lost any!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

What Would You Do?

HELP!!!! Wes and I desperately need some advice.

Hannah started Kindergarten the day after she turned 5, the teacher is suggesting that we put Hannah in a Pre - First class next year. We did not even know what a Pre -First class was, we had never heard of it before. Pre-First is a full day class where they work on some kindergarten & 1st grade curriculum. Also children that have social problems will be in these classes so they can be more emotionally ready for 1st grade. So the trouble makers:(

Essentially they want us to choose whether or not Hannah goes to 1st grade or Pre-first based on her age. (The majority of kids in her class are already six) Hannah is reading, not as strongly as Audrey but who does, though Hannah draws WAY beyond her age. She is very social in school and has very good manners. We went to a conference on Pre-First and they said that giving Hannah the gift of time was important and that she might be caught up now but who knows were she is going to be in a few years time. Wes is 95% against it and I keep going back and forth, I just want to do what is best for Hannah.

What would you do?

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Plea From Your Tomato!!!

Please STOP putting us in the FRIDGE, when you bring us home from the market, you are KILLING all of our flavor!!!! WE DO NOT BELONG IN THE FRIDGE.

This has been a Public Service Announcement from Tomatoes everywhere.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Eric Is Getting Married !!!!

Eric is getting married to Jen!!!! They have been together for about 4/5 yrs, its about time, they are getting married in a year. The wedding is going to be on a cruise to the Caribbean, leaving from Galveston Texas. So to all the family who would like to attend start saving your pennies, you are all invited. It is going to be around $600.00 a person and that does not include getting to and from Texas, or you could do what I am going to do and rob a bank j/k (lol) if only it was that easy!!

Jen is a great girl and she will be a WONDERFUL sister.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Twas A Sunny Day!!!

Well we finally had a warm sunny day...I can hardly believe it. We went to the zoo to see Whiskers and it was amazing not having to bundle up. It was only 62 degrees but it felt so hot.

Whiskers is doing really good and we were all very happy to see him.


Whiskers' brother or sister...can you tell?

Wes put my shelve up in the bathroom and I really like how it is coming together. I only have a few more decorations and whatnot to do and this room will be done.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Here is the downstairs bathroom before we painted...

Here is the bathroom with Shagreen, we REALLY like it, and it goes well with all the other colors on the main floor.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I have watched American Idol from season 1 and tonight was the first time I actually shed tears for someone after being kicked off.

Ramiele the genuine, small, Asian with the big voice broke my heart when she found out that she was leaving American Idol. You could really see how heartbroken she was:( I felt a strong connection with her because I am small and Asian and would have enjoyed seeing her go further.