Tuesday, April 15, 2008

There Is A Tooth Fairy Virgina!!!!

Disclaimer - Any children that can read and does not know about the above, should not read or see this blog.

Hannah and Audrey were playing outside today and the 6yr old girl (also a Hannah) came over and started playing in our yard. (I can not wait for the fence to go up, only a couple of weeks left.) Anyway, Hannah had brought her fairy doll outside to play and the neighbor girl told Hannah that there is not a Tooth Fairy. I guess it was not bad enough she just shattered a little five year olds dreams of the Tooth Fairy because she threw Hannah's fairy doll on the roof.

Needless to say the girls will not be playing with her anymore.

So I called the girls in for dinner and Hannah turns to me and says that the other Hannah told her that the Tooth Fairy is not real. Well this really made me mad but I kept a calm face and asked her how the other Hannah knew this, she said her Mom told her.
Well right or wrong I did what any good mother would do and lied. I told Hannah that they did not know what they were talking about and maybe they asked the Tooth Fairy not to come or because she mistreated fairy dolls that the Tooth Fairy did not go to their house. What is Santa's Moto - If you are naughty or nice...food for thought:)

Audrey has lost 6 teeth and Hannah has not lost any!!!


marcie said...

What a brat, but it makes since because her parents told a 5 year old that there is no tooth fairy. I'd say that they just don't want to take the effort, and I also say good job lying ;)

Also, I didn't know that about tomatoes... my problem is that anything left out here will go moldy, so I'll have to look into fixing that.

And can I just say how excited I am for Eric. Yay!

Anonymous said...

How are you today? I loved this fairy blog. I am big on faries. I think you handled the situation well. good job!
There are lots of magical books out there about fairy's and what they wear and how they dress- I have done lots of stuff to spark childeren's imaginations...I'll put some recipees together for you and the girls- ( fairy stew, rose bread etc.)
love, Jess