Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So Sad...But So Happy!!!

Warning: this blog contains spoilers...if you are reading Breaking Dawn or have not read the Twilight series and plan on doing so, please do not read this blog.

Good news, I will not have to picket at Barnes and Noble!!! I am sad that it is the end.

I really hope that she takes some of the foundation she built for a new series with Jacob and Nessie (I did not see that one coming until it was right in front of my face). I was little surprised that she wrapped up that story line so neatly, though she did leave room for a new series of books.

What can I say, I loved Breaking Dawn, I whipped through it. I was also pleasantly surprised by the changes in plot. There was not as much whining in this book as in the others, it was jam packed and I loved that. The ending was the only part of the book that I wish was different, I really wanted the Voltari to get their butts kicked and it was no big surprise that Alice showed up and saved the day...but that is alright; I am a happy and satisfied reader.