Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Would Like More Pink With That...

We had a very eventful weekend. I can not believe how much work goes into planning a 6yr old's b-day party, and it was still really low key. Hannah had a wonderful time. The little girls showed up in princess dresses...we made crowns and played pin the lips on the frog. We ate strawberry "flower" sandwiches, pasta salad, berry rice crispy squares, strawberries, pink marshmallows, and pink lemonade. I made a strawberry mousse Tinkerbell cake. We opened presents ("she" or should I say "we" got lots of little Pet Shop toys...yay) and then they played outside for 10 minutes and then everyone went home. An hour and half is the perfect amount of time for a b-day party. Audrey was a really big help, Wes had to work and she was perfect for the job. She made sure all the girls had everything they needed and helped me serve and clean.

(side note - I can not believe how picky kids are when it comes to food. I can put anything in front of my girls and they will eat it...if they don't eat it they don't eat...two out of the 4 girls did not like fruit/vegetables of any kind and since everything was laced with strawberries or vegetables they did not have much to eat.)

When Audrey and Hannah had their 4th and 2nd birthday party in Tooele (that is Utah for those of you who do not know) I tried my hardest to make bows out of crape paper...to no avail, I could not. Cristine (Hi!!:) made them for me and they were wonderful. Well I would like to report that I have accomplished the impossiable...I made the perfect square bows out of pink crape paper for Hannah's party. I can now offically say I have grown as a person.

We went to the drive-in Saturday night and saw Hancock, (that was actually a really good movie, a little crass at times but an orginal superhero movie) Clone Wars (Retire George!!!!) and the Dark Knight (we had already seen that so we did not stay...but just so you know if you have not seen Batman, it is a great movie, not for children).