Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To Veal Or Not To Veal

Did you know that I will not eat Veal? I think that the killing of baby cows and keeping them chained up in little dog houses is cruel and unjust. There are so many great foods made with Veal, so it makes me sad on one hand, but I will stand firm. Wes makes fun of me all the time because of this...I get mushy every time I see a calf and outraged every time I see Veal on the Menu.

We were driving the other day and we passed by a herd of cows. Hannah chirped up and said, "I just saw two Veals!!!" This is after Wes had been telling her to call the calves veals just to get my goat. I think I am going to have to put my husband out to pasture.


princessica said...

NOT TO VEAL!!! definately.
you go girly! I'll back you up on that one.

Cristine said...

I will not eat Veal either...I tried once not knowing it was a baby cow...(language problem), actually you were with me...remember?! Wesley and Chad explained what a veal was and I haven't had any since then! Will not eat a few other things that you have to cook it alive! :( Cruel...