Thursday, July 3, 2008

Things that make you go hmmm...

I love hotel computers!! I can not sleep so why not blog:)

Vacation update...Wes has become a day dweller again. It is so nice to spend time with him when the sun is out. It is going to be hard to go back to the night shift, I am just thankful for this time that we have together. His girls are loving it!!

We have gone to museums, a couple of zoos, (including the National Zoo in D.C., I will blog about that later) hiking and we went and saw WALL-E, that was a pretty good movie. Tomorrow we are going to the Smithsonians Museum of Natural History and watching fireworks at the National Mall. Hopefully, we will have time to go to the Library of Congress. Saturday we are going to Gettysburg and Hershey World.

(Since I can not load pictures you are all just going to have to use your imaginations)

We took the girls hiking (day 6 of vacation) and when we entered the state park the speed limit was 17 MPH not 10, 15 or 20 but 17....hmmmm.

Hot dog bus out here on the east coast are shorter and look like a roll instead of a hotdog bun. They call them New England Hot Dog Buns...I personally think the west coast buns are better. Ahhh home.