Monday, December 1, 2008


Wes and I went and saw Twilight on Saturday. I went into the movie with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I thought that the movie followed the book well and had a good representation of the characters. Of course it was not as good as the book but I found that once it was over the movie started to grow on me. Wes really liked the movie and was surprised at how well Stephanie Meyer re-representated the Vampire mythos.
I really liked Edward!!! The actor was hot and I am not ashamed to say so because if he hadn't have been the movie would have been a flop. I thought Edward and Bella had great chemistry.


princessica said...

I thought the movie was good at parts , but I was also emberased at other moments, because the acting seemed awkward at times. All in all, I am glad that Korey and I went. It was romantic- and the lead was HOT! I am now going to read the books!
I am really happy you enjoyed the movie hun.

Cristine said...

I'm going to go see this movie tonight with some girlfriends...decided to check it out first before I take hubby! :) Glad you liked it!