Sunday, March 30, 2008


Have you seen the movie a River Runs Through It with Brad Pitt, we had the opportunity to have one of the scenes play out at the dinner table on Saturday. Brad Pitts character was a boy, probably around Hannah's age and does not want to eat his oatmeal (I am pretty sure that is what it was) and his Dad (Tom Skerritt) made him sit at the table until he ate it.
Hannah did not want to eat her corn, the funny thing is Hannah likes corn. Well my stubborn daughter butted heads with her stubborn parents and Hannah ended up sitting at the dinner table for a extra hour and a halve. We told her she was not aloud to leave the table until she ate her corn. She cried, tried to reason with us, even got all cute, but we held strong. I will admit there were times I just wanted to give in but it was a good lesson for her to learn. Hannah finally realized we were not going to budge and ate her corn.
It is important that the girls know that food is valuable and not to waste it and also that she is fortunate to have food. I am already very lucky because the girls love sushi, Indian food, Chinese food and hundreds of other things that most adults won't eat, so I really don't know why she choose corn to make her stand.

The very next day Hannah had made and dressed herself up in this outfit;

She is definitely going to give us a run for our money when she is older. We are going to be beating the boys off with a stick with Audrey and handcuffing Hannah to the fridge because she is going to be bringing the boys home. I just know it!!! Thank goodness Whiskers is a boy:P


marcie said...

I guess that's why you don't birth 5 year olds... or teens for that matter. It only gets harder as they get older (which, frankly, I know is true, but can't imagine!)