Thursday, April 2, 2009


Last Firday the girls and I went and did the routine grocery shopping and dinner out. It was a very peaceful day, that is when I should have known that things were just too good to be true. The girls and I came out of the grocery store around 8:30 and I started searching for my keys, and sure enough I found them in the ignition locked in the car. I guess I should be happy that its been over a year since my last keytastrophe. Last month I had left my keys in the ignition and was lucky that Wes was with me and he gave me the "look" and I gave him a cute smile. He's right though I have a key issue...for some reason I lose them in the house and unfortunately several times I have locked them in the car. I am overly compulsive about everything else so you would think I would be able to overcome this problem.
I went into the grocery store and asked if they had security that could help get into the car, they did not. You can only imagine how much I was dreading having to call Wes at work and tell him that the girls, groceries and myself were hanging out in the dark cold parking lot and the keys were in the nice warm car. Lucky for me I came up with a brilliant idea, I called Audrey's friends father and he came to our rescue. He was able to get into the car and I took my grumpy girls home to bed...You think this story ends don't you...oh no, we haven't gotten to the good part. I got the girls to bed and wanted to make myself feel better so I grabbed a CHOCOLATE EGG that our friends had brought over. I thought it was MINT but in reality it was HAZELNUT. I bit off the tip of the egg and had it in my mouth, I had not even swallowed and my body started heaving and my lungs started to swell shut. I spit the deadly chocolate out and then I started getting hives in my throat, mouth, lips and face. So I ran for the emergency bottle of Benedryl and drank more than prescribed and shot myself with my Epi Pen. Lets all be thankful that I did not swallow and lets be even more thankful it was not a peanut. I was able to start to breathe again and I could feel my lungs returning to their normal size. Lesson learned...if I am going to comfort myself with a foreign piece of chocolate make sure I have my food taster taste it first and see what happens to him...(Love you Rabbit)


marcie said...

I have a key problem also, however, it doesn't sound as serious as yours.

Plus, when I lock my keys in the car, I just climb up on top of it and climb in through the broken sun-roof.

Mike has wanted to fix it and I won't let him. I call it my safety net for when I lock my keys in, and he calls it the way someone is going to steal our car one day... not really, I made that part up, but I thought it sounded funny!

And let's hear it for great neighbors!!

princessica said...

oh dear, I am so relieved that you have an epi pen and usually only eat high end chocolate. Please, no more chocolate other than godivas ( etc) the good ones...
Thank god you are okay! what a fright.
On another note, my best girlfriend has key issues too. I put a key dish at my door at home, and I always put them back, this really really really helps. Also, keep in the moment. I know your a busy mommy and have lists of things in your head, but truthfully this helps too. be aware when you are getting ready to lock up anything, have an alarm that goes off in your head!
love you

Cristine said...

Oh my sad is are allergic to HAZELNUT???? Some of my favorite chocolates have hazelnut...with so many nuts out there why this one??!!! :/ But I am glad that you were ok!!! :)
Now Jenny...even I got stuck with you once because you locked the key in...remember at Macey's??? What you need in one of those magnet boxes that you can hide some where under your car with a copy of your car key...we have one of those! :) Moo