Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mommy Saved Me From A Great Big Spider!!

Mommy saved me from a GREAT BIG SPIDER and I didn't even know it....

We were getting ready to leave the house to go grocery shopping. This means hats mittens etc...

Audrey needed her glasses cleaned so I walked a few feet over to the entertainment center to the tissues, when I turned back around Hannah had her white winter hat on and a GREAT BIG SPIDER (about the size of a quarter) was on the side of her hat!!!! It looked like it was getting ready to climb down her face. I consciously did not make a noise because I did not want to traumatize her for life. I moved insanely fast ... took the Kleenex slapped the spider off her hat and then rapidly and repeatedly stomped on it with my shoe as hard a s I possibly could. I just kept silent but what I really wanted to do was start screaming -

"You had a huge spider on your head and it was getting ready to crawl down your face and everyone should be completely freaked out right now!!" "Die, Spider Die!!!"

Both the girls had a startled expression on their faces like I had finally cracked. It was not until I lifted up my foot that they saw a large glob of spider underneath it. They started to understand and then Hannah started to comprehend where the spider had been. I told her in the most soothing voice I could muster ... that Mommy protected her and that it was no big deal and to finish getting ready to go. We have not talked about it again.

I guess there is a silver lining Spring is actually on its way.


Cristine said...

Well done!!! I'm very proud of you for not freaking out!!! Makes me think of that time when Audrey took her first poor kid didn't walk for a while after that!!! :D Oh boy...memories! Life is good isn't it?!

princessica said...

Its great that you are thinking of them so much, and that you are so aware in your parenting. These girlies are gifted with amazing parents who are instilling them with bravery and awareness.

Megan said...

I am very proud of you!