Thursday, April 2, 2009

Audrey's play is...NUTS

Anyone who has followed my blog knows that for some reason this year the theme has been Nuts. Nuts in the gerbil food, being able to eat certain nuts and then trying to cheat death by eating the deadly ones, being married to a nut, the list goes on and on. Well there must be something in the cosmos because Audrey's play this year is called you guessed it "NUTS". It has all kinds of different types of Nuts that the children get to dress up as and squirrels (well that makes sense, every play needs squirrels) and forest animals singing about Nuts. Audrey found out that she is going to be Mrs. Duck married to Big Rooster and mother to Chicken Little who sees...what else, Nuts falling from the sky. I am thnkful that she was not cast as the Peanut, I would not be able to go around her for the next month and a Audrey is excited and nothing brings me more joy then listening to 4 songs all about nuts and animals who love them over and over again.


marcie said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

That's all.

Just oh my gosh!

Cristine said...

That is just too funny!!!! :)