Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dear Tooth Fairy...

Sensitive Tooth Fairy information!!!

Last Thursday Hannah came to me and asked if we could write a letter to the Tooth Fairy asking her when she was going to lose a tooth. Hannah is 6.5 yrs old and the only person in her classs not to have lost any teeth. She has been really disappointed that her name is not on the tooth chart at school yet.

Hannah and I sat down and wrote the following letter -

"Dear Tooth Fairy,

When am I going to start losing teeth?

Please put date on the line.


Hannah Jordan"

Hannah put the letter under her pillow and was really excited. I waited for Wes to get home from work and told him the situation and that Hannah had a letter under her pillow waiting for Fairy writing. What were we to do?!! We finally came to the conclusion that we were not going to do anything and tell Hannah that only teeth can bring the Tooth Fairy to a child's pillow, because teeth are magic. The following morning Hannah was disappointed but took the answer we gave her and told us that we were right.

Hannah had NO loose teeth. The following Saturday Hannah came to me and said that she had a loose tooth. I felt so bad for her because she wanted it sooooo bad, I leaned down but actually started wiggling her bottom left tooth in the front. I was very happy. Hannah then told me that the Tooth Fairy must have come when she put the letter under her pillow and sprinkled Fairy Magic on her and that is how she got her loose tooth. Hey, works for me!!! The next day (Sunday) Wes pulled her first tooth and I have never seen such a happy little girl. You would have thought she had won the lottery. It made us so happy to see her so excited.
She did tell me though that having a baby can't hurt as bad as losing a tooth. I just smiled at her, you got to love the innocent:p
The best part about this whole story is that Hannah (and Audrey because she was there) will be able to take that feeling of Magic through her life and even when she finds out the truth she will always have a small piece of her that says that there really is magic and dreams do come true even if it is only losing a tooth to get your name on a chart at school.

p.s. The Tooth Fairy brough Hannah $2.00 a doller for losing her tooth and another dollar for having to wait for so long.


Barb said...

That is the sweetest story, Jenny! Tell Hannah I said congratulations!

Unknown said...

Awesome!!! Aidan "lost" his first tooth at 5, as we had to have it removed. It started as a small cavity, but the wait for an appointment with a certain pediatric dentist who I shall not name here but am highly unimpressed with caused it to abscess and my poor lil man needed oral surgery! He got $2.00 for being an incredible trooper--eating solid food just two hours after surgery and being my happy little guy.

princessica said...

I really enjoyed this, what a sweet story. Love it.

Cristine said...

What a cute story!!!! Tell Hannah that we are congratulating her on the loss of her very first tooth!!! Hugs