Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello Again

I am so sorry that everyone has had to get on my back for a post. I have been beyond busy. This summer has been CRAZY. I have not had anytime for myself, let alone put it down on paper. We moved into a new house, I started a new job, Grandma came for a visit and Danielle was here for a month and a half. Throw in 2 birthdays, a Wedding Anniversary and a Partridge in a pear tree and you can see why I have not blogged.

I really like working at Welch Allyn, it is really weird to work there. I work upstairs with all the stuffy suits and Wes works downstairs with all the relaxed and fun people. I am learning a ton and I am very, very busy, 3 days a week I type 8hrs straight taking transcription. Another reason why I really have had no desire to blog, I am sick of typing, my fingers scream NO at me every time I go near a keyboard. On the 4th day I work on spreadsheets, file and get to mail things around the world for the Customer Service Department…that is exciting. I don’t work Fridays. I also fill in for the receptionist when needed. There are over 2000 names in the Welch Allyn directory and it is all computerized. That was oodles of fun to learn. I changed my hours so that I am home 10 minutes before the girls get off the bus. Wes is coming to work to have lunch with me, that 30 minutes is are quality time together, that is what happens when you work two different shifts. We still get our Friday date, yay!!! I am exhausted but like where I am and what I am doing, this has been a good change. I also like that I am contributing monetarily to my shopping habit.

The girls love their new schools and we are BEYOND happy with the schools. So far they are everything I could ask for in an education and that is saying a lot. Audrey was fitted for her violin and she is in the books and bagels club before school. Her teacher also is the sign language teacher so she is learning sign every day also. Hannah has a teacher that is going to teach her, I know what a novel idea. Hannah is happy to go to school again and that makes me so happy and has renewed my hope. Here is to a great school year. It holds a lot of promise.

Wes and I celebrated are 9th Wedding Anniversary on the 9th day of the 9 month of the year 2009. That was really cool. The years just seem to be flying by. He bought me the most beautiful pair of black pumps and chocolate. What more could I ask for in a man? He bought me shoes and chocolate…perfection. I got him a new pocket knife and a sketch book, he thought that was perfect too.

I LOVE OUR HOUSE!!!!! I will post pics I promise. I just have to buy a new camera, or I need to figure out how to get pics off the phone. We are saving up for a dishwasher and garbage disposal and a few other things that will make life much easier. Everyone must come visit because you will never want to leave, I just don’t know how Wes and I found such a little piece of heaven not to mention the food I will cook for you all. It will be yummy:)

Danielle left yesterday and I felt very depressed, chocolate did not make me feel any better. I wish that she would come back.

I will attempt to blog once every couple of weeks and maybe I will get bit by the blogging bug again.

P.S. – Mocha is still alive and kicking.