Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Creme Puffs and the Flu

(I wrote this blog the week of my birthday...so just pretend it wasn't a few weeks ago)

I turned 32 this week. 31 seemed to go by very fast. Wes and I decided that we would celebrate the weekend before my birthday (thank goodness we did). We wnt to Rochester (45 minutes away) to a swanky mall. I got to go shopping for my own birthday gifts...love this!!!! Wes got me a pair of Jeans, Audrey got me my favorite Godiva Chocolates and Hannah bought me a beautiful Chinese tea set (50% off, which made it even more fabulous). We then went to dinner at Biaggis, an Italian restaurant. I was pleased with the food. We have had a really hard time finding good places to eat in Syracuse, it seems Rochester has them all. I had a wonderful birthday dinner with my family, they were so sweet and generous!!! On Sunday I made an assortment of Creme Puffs instead of a cake (I make cakes for everyone else, I wanted something different) and Lemon Riccota Cookies. A few friends came over and we stuffed ourselves with the yummy puffs, cookies and long stem strawberries. It was fun having everyone over...it was very low key and relaxed.

Wednesday night around 11:00 (an hour before my b-day) I started to feel quite sick. By the time I went to bed I was running a fever and so began my "Birthday Flu"!!! Wes stayed home from work and took care of me and the girls and I laid on the couch in a cold sweat moaning and groaning and wishing the day would just end. January 30th came and the flu was gone. I am thankful it only lasted 24hrs.

Thank you to everyone for the well wishes and gifts (you know how I love gifts) ... that is what makes my birthday so special: having family and friends as special as all of you!!! (That could be a Hallmark card) (Yes I know I am a dork).


princessica said...

I wish I couldve gone to your birthday party and shared in the feast, but here I am still...
boo hoo I sent you love though! and some snail mail.

Cristine said...

Sorry again you got sick for your b-day!!! No fun... :(
Hope you will be able to start enjoyng your gift soon! ;) Hugs