Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Everyone knows that my name is Jenny and not Jennifer. I can not stand it when I am called drives me CRAZY!!!! I am surrounded by so many Jens and Jennifer's that we need to keep a chart to keep everyone straight, they are my closest and dearest friends and now I am going to get one for a sister-in-law, Hi Jen!!!!

So anywho - I come home from running errands and Hannah looks up from the kitchen table and says that she is going to name her daughter Jennifer after me...but I am not a Jennifer. Wes startes laughing and shoots me a look of HA, HA!!! Hannah has proclaimed that she loves the name and it will definitely be used. I guess I can look on the bright side, she does not want to name her baby Apple (Gwenyth Paltrow) or Cocoa (Courtney Cox).


Miss Psych Nurse said...

Maybe, although Hannah doesn't know it yet, she is naming her future daughter after me. I am pretty fabulous ;).

marcie said...

It took me a long time to realize your name wasn't Jennifer, like it was probably only 10 years ago, so I feel for Hannah... although you're not my mom, so maybe it's different!