Monday, August 18, 2008

Can You Con The Tooth Fairy???

So, we were putting Hannah to bed and Wes was fixing her sheet. He lifted up her pillow and, low and behold, she had an empty plastic baggy (the same kind we use to put Audrey's teeth in) under her pillow. Wes and I look at her and asked what she was doing? Hannah told us she was waiting to see if the Tooth Fairy would leave her money without a tooth. We asked if she really thought she could pull one over on the Tooth Fairy. Hannah was pretty sure that she would fall for the trick. It was so hard not to break into a hysterical fit of laughter or for Wes not to start picking on me. Hannah must think she is pretty smart...but I think the Tooth Fairy is smarter, or at least wiser.

*Hannah has not lost any teeth yet.


princessica said...

Oh my gosh,
too cute. I Love these girls.
xoxo JEssica

Miss Psych Nurse said...

So cute! One of the kids I used to work with lost his tooth at his Grandparents house, outside of Edmonton, and the Tooth Fairy gave him $10! I told him "Wow, that's so lucky!" and he said "Ya, the Tooth Fairy that works in Edmonton is so cheap!". It was hilarious! Kids are so funny!