Monday, July 14, 2008

Jenny Strikes Again....

The other day I was running around with my head cut off. I was just thinking about too much at one time.
I stopped to get gas, I went in and paid $35 and walked back out to the in and drove away. I was driving for about a minute when I looked ath the gas meter and it was still on empty. Duh, Jen you did not put the gas in the car. I turned around and was able to fill the car up. Gas is expensive enough, I must remember to actually put it in the car:P


princessica said...

hahahaaa I just about did the exact same thig yesterday! Except, gas is ( drum roll please...) 1.50 per LITER here! makes you feel better, dosent it.
I know a kind that's free! :)
oh dear....