We took the girls bowling on Saturday and I think we have found a family activity where all of us can participate without putting one of us in peril. It was a lot of fun and very cute to see the girls chucking/rolling the bowling ball and getting excited when they would knock pins down. Wes kicked my butt, I have already called for a rematch!!
We painted the stairwell and hallway a nice beige, we only have the kitchen left to paint before all our company comes.
I have finally set the menu for "Fake Easter" (when Wes's family comes the week before Easter, they refuse to celebrate on the actual holiday) and the design for the hundred acre woods classic pooh cake I am making for my friends baby shower. It is extreamly handy to have Wes put my ideas onto paper and then turn around and create them into food. The baby shower cake has to be done the same weekend of "fake easter" so I am going to be very, very busy.
Look at my little bunny!!
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