Sunday, March 16, 2008

Danielle, Look It Is Our Friend The Easter Lilly!!

Last Easter (2007) Danielle came for a visit. We went to my most favorite store on Earth, Wegmans. I decided to buy an Easter Lily...actually the whole story is that I could not decide weather or not to buy an Easter Lilly or to buy Stargazer lilies, so I had Danielle running back and forth from the checkout line to the floral department. I thought it was funny!! (Note - this store is not small it the size of a Super store but ALL groceries) she did this two times. Exactly the kind of of torture that an older sister gets joy out of!!

I finally decided on the Easter Lilly and Danielle put it on the conveyor built and it tipped over and spilt dirt every where. The Wegmans that I shop at is voted the #1 grocery store in the country and it is very high end so the people who shop there did not see the humor in Danielle spilling the plant all over the place, but Danielle and I sure did. We were laughing quite hard, especially when Danielle was trying to clean up the dirt and just made a bigger mess. So in honor of Danielle I bought another Easter Lilly and made sure that I was very careful in the store, I even put a seat belt on Mrs. Easter Lilly for the car trip home.

So this ones for you Danielle, wish you were here for Easter!!


none said...

what a funny story! Andy surprised me with an Easter lilly yesterday...don't you love how fragrant they are?! Happy Easter :)