Monday, September 15, 2008

Standing up for Nuts

We went to Audrey's 3rd grade orientation last Wednesday. I really think Audrey is going to have a great year. I hope that her teacher is up to the "challenge" because Audrey really needs to be "challenged" this year. 2nd grade was so easy, it was laughable.

She still has only 20 minutes of homework a night (that includes her 15 minutes of mandatory reading by the teacher). I raised my hand during question-and-anwser time and asked if more homework was available. Every parent laughed at me and thought I was crazy. What is so wrong about your child loving school work and willing to learn above and beyond? Of course I am going to nourish that. Nutty!!!

Then the topic of Nut allergies came up and it has been only this year that we're certain that Audrey is not allergic. Mrs. Kringer asked if any of the children had nut allergies; nobody raised their hands. Then, some loud-mouth (well, she was) piped up in "Hallelujahs", and saying what a pain in the butt people with nut allergies can only imagine my reaction. You will be happy to know that I held my tongue. Fortune was on my side when I was filling out the class volunteer sign-up and that woman just happened to start talking to another parent about what a pain and how inconvenient it is for everyone when there is someone allergic to nuts. I turned around and told her that I was deadly allegic to nuts, and furthermore, I have children that are allergic...she became quiet very quickly. I swear the nerve of some you thinnk I put in a special request to be allergic to nuts (not to mention all the other allergies I have) just so I can be an inconvenience to the PTA?:P I'm allergic to nuts and I am proud.

I really do not understand this school district's stand on Nut allergies: their solution to the problem is to segregate the children (Hannah, she gets to sit with one other girl) who have the allergies by making them sit at another table all by themselves during lunch. In Canada, Audrey went to a "Nut Free School". I do not undrstand why this is such an inconceivable concept. Not only do the children have to be afraid of dying but also can't be with their friends at lunch.


Cristine said...

I'm glad that you said something to that lady!!!!! She deserved more than to just be embarrassed!!