Saturday, June 7, 2008

Random Thoughts...

I would like to start this post by taking a vote; I am under the impression that Rabbit (Winnie The Pooh) is a girl and Audrey and Hannah are adamant that Rabbit is a boy. I ask you all then, why was "it" wearing a pink robe, and had "it's" ears in curlers?

I really enjoyed reading Marcie's political blog. I have been wanting to write a political blog for a while now. Marcie has inspired me to finally write one, so read on at your own risk.

Wes and I are probably the only people on my side of the family that wanted Hillary Clinton to win the Democratic Nomination. We were very disappointed when she did not. I think that she would have been the best choice for the President (of course my own opinion). I was thrilled and excited to see a woman running for the highest position in the land and doing it so strongly. It was a great thing to be able to show my daughters that it was just not a boys club, that if they set their minds on something, they too could achieve whatever goal they wanted. I am not going to go into a political rant on why I thought she should become President over everyone else; that is pointless now, considering that Obama has won.

My problem now is that I don't want Obama or McCain for President and I am really having to reevaluate my views on many of the stances each candidate has. I do not believe Obama is going to bring the CHANGE that he so strongly says he will bring to the White House. Frankly, I think there has been too much CHANGE in the last 8yrs and we need someone who has experience and can get things DONE. I think he is either naive or politically spinning the idea that he is not your "typical" politician, he will not make backdoor deals or involve himself with special interests. No, he just takes his advice from bigoted Pastors and crooked land developers. Why pretend that the government is not full of liars and hypocrites? Call a sheep a sheep. I think that if he were more forthcoming about what lengths he may have to take to get things accomplished and fix this mess that we are in, he might earn my vote. I will be honest, I am having a hard time looking past the color of his skin, not because he himself is black but because what he DOES represent to many black people in our country and what he DOES NOT represent to many whites in this country. I am afraid that there will be a racial divide greater than what we already have. I was stationed down south and saw the prejudice and closed mindedness of many people. I even saw a KKK rally, driving to KFC (real story). Racism is alive and kicking in the United States of America; just look at the church he attended for the past 20 yrs of his life. I have seen two of his Pastors on T.V. being racists. Obama has had to have a massive Secret Service detail and has had more death threats than any other candidate in history. If that does not show that there is a division in our country, I do not know what will.

John McCain... I do not even know where to start. He will NOT be getting my vote!!! Unless he changes the following; plans on pulling us out of Iraq (and I am not talking in 100 yrs) in the near future (of course he will have to be smart about it), changes his whole Health Care Package, and becomes Hillary Clinton.

I respect McCain, especially for his POW status, but I do not believe that a man who has that kind of emotional scarring can be completely rational or unbiased when it comes to combating our enemies. We do not need another person making irrational decisions in the White House; we have had enough of that for the last eight years.

There are a lot of Democrats who feel the same way I do (mostly Hillary supporters). The Democratic Primary had a bigger voter turnout than any other in history. The irony is, if we can not find someway to champion Obama, the General Election may have the lowest voter turn out in history


marcie said...

Amen, sister! What's a rational person to do when faced with crappy choices in a tremendously important decision?

Susanna Johnson said...

the problem is, for those of us who don't want either Obama OR McCain still won't be able to sway the vote enough to get someone else in there. So we're going to end up with one of them, I'm sure. And which is worse? Oh dear.............

princessica said...

from a canadians perspective, I say Obama. I have done my research, and it looks like he may be the best vote. Its all in God's hands. Have faith people! it couldnt get any worse! and if it does, just come to canada- so many people have since the war on Iraq and afganistan started.
very interesting- but we are happy to have you!

princessica said...

oh, and I Have no clue weather rabbit is a girl or qa boy- braedan thinks he's a boy too... Is pikachu (sp) the pokemon a girl or a boy??? I am not sure why there isnt more emphasis on these charachters. Its time for females to be more recognised in shows!