Great News!!! Season 1 of the Smurfs came out on DVD this week. This makes us all very happy:) (including Wes)!!
Another thing that has made me happy this week was a story that ABC News w/ Charlie Gibson (we watch every night) reported a story called "Do you think Mary Poppins lied?" by Robert Krulwich. It was an expose on Mary & Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, did she really say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious correctly backwards or just made up another word to match the song?!! There was such an uproar in the public that ABC got bombarded with emails defending Mary and everything Poppins that it is now called "Poppinsgate". I seriously laughed for like an hour after hearing "Poppinsgate", Wes thought I was off my rocker...just thinking about it now makes me crack up:)
The following night they did another piece with some of the email that they had gotten from viewers things like; "Mary is practically perfect in every way" and "Shame on you for calling Mary a lier." Of course when you play it back on tape it does not sound like what she says in the movie, what she actually did was break the word into two syllable parts, and reverse the order in which they were said — except for the word super which she actually did reverse.
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