The girls were playing hide and go seek and they decided to get one of their stuffed animals (baby dog) so that he would "sniff" out the person that was hiding. They made him a leash out of some of their play necklaces and gave him a purse to hold any evidence that he found along the way. The girls said he was the "KEY" to finding people who were hiding. By the way Audrey and Hannah were only playing hide and go seek with each other and they laugh the whole time they hide, which you can imagine makes the finding easier. So I thought it was very cute that they added another element to the game. I told them they were very smart.
Hannah went into my closest and got two of my socks and made sock puppets all by herself. One is a snake (not my first choice and the other is a hippopotamus) she came down stairs wearing them on her hands. Adorable!!
A Public Service Announcement!!! Do Not Let Your Laundry Detergent Freeze!!!
Picture this....Me trying to squeeze a large bottle of soap (for those who are wondering we use ALL free for sensitive skin, we like it) into four washing machines and the detergent is the consistency of really stubborn honey and this is already after you have ran it under hot water and let it sit for a bit. We have parent teacher conferences in 45 minutes and there is no way that ALL is going to beat me!!! I start squeezing the bottle with all my might, I was making the most unnatural sounds and probably some really weird faces but guess what I finally got globs of soap to come out. So what is the moral of this story? Do not leave your laundry soap in the trunk during a New York winter and use ALL for sensitive skin because it makes you smell pretty.
We had Hannah's parent teacher conference yesterday with Mrs. Moniz, this is the first conference we have had for Hannah. The teacher had wonderful things to say about Hannie and we were very happy to hear that she has not yet become the class clown. I know one day we are going to get that call. The teacher did recommend that Hannah go into a Pre-first class next year instead of first grade. Pre-first is only offered in a small handfull of the school districts in New York State) Hannah is the youngest in her class, turned 5 the day before school started. Mrs. Moniz does not agree with Kindergarten starting at the age of 5 with the cutoff being November 30, instead of the age of 6. Too many children are left behind.
Hannah wants to learn at her own pace and since this school offers this class I think we may take it. It is a full day and will just give her the extra time to hit her grove, instead of her feeling an enormous amount of pressure in first grade. They have two full classes of pre-first, I really did not understand until yesterday how advanced Audrey is, she is on the other end of the spectrum where 2nd grade is not challenging enough. We will make sure we take care of both of the girls educationally so they will both be successful in their own ways.
On the way out of the school we had a couple of teachers or workers stop and tell us how wonderful, kind and polite Audrey is. That made us feel so good and we are raising good little people and others notice.
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