1 - What is his name? Wesley McClain Jordan
2 - How long have you been married? 7 yrs
3 - How long did you date? 3 months, engaged 9 months...I still consider that dating.
4 - Who eats more? Depends, if I am feeling well, usually me.
5 - Who said I love you first? This is a tough question, we both said it at the same time. Wesley may have by only seconds.
6 - Who sings better? Audrey & Hannah...no one wants to hear either of us sing. Though my rendition of the Chipmunks theme song is pretty good. You really think there is a chipmunk in the room with you.
7 - Who is taller? Wesley of course, he is six feet 2 inches.
8 - Who's temper is worse? Mine
9 - Who does the laundry? We both do. We do not have a washing machine right now, so we go to the laundry mat once a week and while the clothes are washing we walk down to the chocolate shop and we buy truffles and then go for a walk around the village we live in. I enjoy laundry day very much. Though for a while there, every time we went to go and do the laundry we would get into a fight. Very strange, I am glad we have replaced the fighting with chocolate. See chocolate does solve everything.
10 - Who does the dishes? I do.
11 - Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Can you guess who sleeps on the left side?
12 - Who does the cooking? This is just like the who is taller question...a no brainier, of course I do. Though Wes is a good cook, he just does not like to do it. I have high standards.
13 - Who is more stubborn? I am WAY more stubborn then Wes, I will hold out for as long as it takes to get my way.
14 - Who proposed? Wesley proposed to me on his 27th birthday while I was making him homemade chicken noodle soup. He walked into the kitchen and asked me to marry him. I burnt the soup.
15 - Who is more likely to admit when they were wrong? I am but Wes has been catching up lately. Though am I ever really wrong?!!
16 - Who's parents do you see the most? Wes's Mom she lives here in NY (his Dad passed) but I talk more to my Mom in a week then he does all year with his Mom.
17 - Who pays the bills? I do.
18 - Who wears the pants in the family? We both wear shorts whenever possible. We are equal in our relationship, I don't think he would ever dare try to pull I am the man crap on me or we would have some serious problems. I respect him for what he does and visa versa.
19 - Why do you love your husband? I love my husband for so many reasons. He loves me for who I am. He provides for our family and works insane hours so I do not have too. He is an awesome father and I could not have picked a better man to have children with. He puts up with my odd humor and most of all he has stuck with me through ALL the heartache and hardship our young marriage has gone through. I don't know very many husbands that would shave their wife's head (so they don't have to watch it fall out) and still be gaga over her. He calls me a fat cow so I don't feel so skinny and gives me a good laugh. (Many people do not understand that, but if you know me well you would know how funny I think that is) He holds my hand when I am sick (which is often) and is so worried and concerned about me that he forgets about his needs. He has picked up and moved so many times, leaving behind friends and jobs and schooling, so that I can receive the treatment that I need. I love him because he is selfless. Those are just a few of the reasons I love Wesley, but the main reason I love Wesley is because he is my rabbit and he loves my cooking and he's hot...ha ha ha!!!
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