Imagine all the pictures, well that is what you are going to have to do. My memory card reader is on the friz and I can't find the cord for the camera to plug it into the computer. I have a ton of pics, so I better get cracking on getting it fixed.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dear Tooth Fairy...
Sensitive Tooth Fairy information!!!
Last Thursday Hannah came to me and asked if we could write a letter to the Tooth Fairy asking her when she was going to lose a tooth. Hannah is 6.5 yrs old and the only person in her classs not to have lost any teeth. She has been really disappointed that her name is not on the tooth chart at school yet.
Hannah and I sat down and wrote the following letter -
"Dear Tooth Fairy,
When am I going to start losing teeth?
Please put date on the line.
Hannah Jordan"
Hannah put the letter under her pillow and was really excited. I waited for Wes to get home from work and told him the situation and that Hannah had a letter under her pillow waiting for Fairy writing. What were we to do?!! We finally came to the conclusion that we were not going to do anything and tell Hannah that only teeth can bring the Tooth Fairy to a child's pillow, because teeth are magic. The following morning Hannah was disappointed but took the answer we gave her and told us that we were right.
Hannah had NO loose teeth. The following Saturday Hannah came to me and said that she had a loose tooth. I felt so bad for her because she wanted it sooooo bad, I leaned down but actually started wiggling her bottom left tooth in the front. I was very happy. Hannah then told me that the Tooth Fairy must have come when she put the letter under her pillow and sprinkled Fairy Magic on her and that is how she got her loose tooth. Hey, works for me!!! The next day (Sunday) Wes pulled her first tooth and I have never seen such a happy little girl. You would have thought she had won the lottery. It made us so happy to see her so excited.
She did tell me though that having a baby can't hurt as bad as losing a tooth. I just smiled at her, you got to love the innocent:p
The best part about this whole story is that Hannah (and Audrey because she was there) will be able to take that feeling of Magic through her life and even when she finds out the truth she will always have a small piece of her that says that there really is magic and dreams do come true even if it is only losing a tooth to get your name on a chart at school.
p.s. The Tooth Fairy brough Hannah $2.00 a doller for losing her tooth and another dollar for having to wait for so long.
Posted by Jen at 10:02 AM 4 comments
Audrey's play is...NUTS
Anyone who has followed my blog knows that for some reason this year the theme has been Nuts. Nuts in the gerbil food, being able to eat certain nuts and then trying to cheat death by eating the deadly ones, being married to a nut, the list goes on and on. Well there must be something in the cosmos because Audrey's play this year is called you guessed it "NUTS". It has all kinds of different types of Nuts that the children get to dress up as and squirrels (well that makes sense, every play needs squirrels) and forest animals singing about Nuts. Audrey found out that she is going to be Mrs. Duck married to Big Rooster and mother to Chicken Little who sees...what else, Nuts falling from the sky. I am thnkful that she was not cast as the Peanut, I would not be able to go around her for the next month and a Audrey is excited and nothing brings me more joy then listening to 4 songs all about nuts and animals who love them over and over again.
Posted by Jen at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Last Firday the girls and I went and did the routine grocery shopping and dinner out. It was a very peaceful day, that is when I should have known that things were just too good to be true. The girls and I came out of the grocery store around 8:30 and I started searching for my keys, and sure enough I found them in the ignition locked in the car. I guess I should be happy that its been over a year since my last keytastrophe. Last month I had left my keys in the ignition and was lucky that Wes was with me and he gave me the "look" and I gave him a cute smile. He's right though I have a key issue...for some reason I lose them in the house and unfortunately several times I have locked them in the car. I am overly compulsive about everything else so you would think I would be able to overcome this problem.
I went into the grocery store and asked if they had security that could help get into the car, they did not. You can only imagine how much I was dreading having to call Wes at work and tell him that the girls, groceries and myself were hanging out in the dark cold parking lot and the keys were in the nice warm car. Lucky for me I came up with a brilliant idea, I called Audrey's friends father and he came to our rescue. He was able to get into the car and I took my grumpy girls home to bed...You think this story ends don't you...oh no, we haven't gotten to the good part. I got the girls to bed and wanted to make myself feel better so I grabbed a CHOCOLATE EGG that our friends had brought over. I thought it was MINT but in reality it was HAZELNUT. I bit off the tip of the egg and had it in my mouth, I had not even swallowed and my body started heaving and my lungs started to swell shut. I spit the deadly chocolate out and then I started getting hives in my throat, mouth, lips and face. So I ran for the emergency bottle of Benedryl and drank more than prescribed and shot myself with my Epi Pen. Lets all be thankful that I did not swallow and lets be even more thankful it was not a peanut. I was able to start to breathe again and I could feel my lungs returning to their normal size. Lesson learned...if I am going to comfort myself with a foreign piece of chocolate make sure I have my food taster taste it first and see what happens to him...(Love you Rabbit)
Posted by Jen at 9:42 AM 3 comments